The Beauty of Functional & Eastern Medicine

I can't tell you how many times I hear this in my office. It is frustrating to me that many people and doctors have been trained to think that symptoms stop at "normal labs". Allopathic medicine looks at the body in divided systems and how to treat the disease for those individual dysfunctional parts. I'm super duper generalizing here but if you really think about it, allopathic and conventional medicine is great for Disease Management, but not great for Health Care.

Eastern Medicine has always had an approach to health care that looks at checks and balances between the systems. If one system is dysfunctioning, we look to the other systems that are functioning and use them for support. It is a system that really looks at the body as a whole and how each part works together. ☯️

Functional Medicine is a way at looking at the very small details in our blood work to see where the body is functioning and where it needs focused attention. There is SO much that we can decipher in labs about where the body needs support even when they come back "normal". πŸ’—

What I love most is blending these two Health Care systems into a comprehensive approach to care. By combining the very important information that our pulse πŸ’“ and tongue πŸ‘… provide us in the Eastern medicine diagnosis and then using labs work we can to really bring it all home and get to the root cause of your symptoms. 🌟✨

Email Dr. Parker to get started on this comprehensive approach!

Rowdy Ferret Design

Oakland based web designer and developer.

Loves long walks in the woods and barbeque.



6 Weeks to Glow: Fall Reset!