Facial Acupuncture Special

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There are so many powerful natural (and non surgical) ways to help you look and feel your best! πŸ’—πŸ“πŸ˜Š
Facial Acupuncture can help with fine lines, wrinkles, bags under your eyes, puffiness, dropping eyelids, double chin, large pores, dry skin and acne! The list goes on and on...
We’ve got a special that is ending soon β€” Facial Acupuncture "Galentine’s day" offer ends March 14th!
Save 20% off 6 pack of sessions πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
Book by messaging us jessica@oaklandrootandstem.com or here.

 #rootandstem #acupuncture#facialacupuncture #finelines#reducewrinkles #clearskin #noacne#minimizepores #naturalfacecare#nonsurgical #acupuncutureworks

Rowdy Ferret Design

Oakland based web designer and developer.

Loves long walks in the woods and barbeque.


<3 for Marya!


What happens when we can't let go of old patterns?