Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Re-Think How You Treat Injuries

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I want to talk a little about the #METH method (I really, really wish there was a better acronym), and why we should stop using the RICE method for injuries.

In this context, METH stands for MOVEMENT, ELEVATION, TRACTION, HEAT. If you have seen an acupuncturist for an injury, I’m sure you have been told to avoid ice at all cost, and there is a really good reason for it.

Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing, it is our body’s natural response and treatment to an injury. Our blood is filled with B cells and T cells that zoom in on an injury to repair tissue. Pain is our brain trying to keep us from using our sprained ankle so that we can give our body a chance to heal itself.

When we ICE we are cutting off that important blood flow, constricting capillaries, and numbing those important pain receptors. This can cause further damage and increase chances of chronic pain. 😣
Heat 🔥helps encourage blood to the area AND helps move blood to keep it from stagnating. 🕺🏽💃🏻
So please… a little movement and heat can be really good things for your ouchies. 

#functionalmedicine #rootandstem#injurycare #sprainedankle #sprainedfoot#sprainsandstrains

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