Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Careful not to overdo it this summer on sugar!

It’s definitely summer ... but careful not to overdo it on the sugar! 🍡🍧🍨🧁🍦🍭😕

What Sugar Does: **Disclaimer: This message is not intended to shame or make anyone feel stressed about food! You know that I’m an avid believer of “everything in moderation including moderation” and I totally enjoyed a chocolate croissant today. ❤️

It’s all about the process of being more mindful with sugar 😉

Sugar makes fluids in the body thicker; it causes swelling in joints, and increased joint pain. Increased mucus in the lungs, throat and sinuses and impairs fluid circulation causing increased swelling.

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Sugar robs the body of minerals that calm the nervous system and leads to increased insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety. . . . 🤒Sugar lowers the immune function: it slows white blood cells as they move toward bacteria and viruses to destroy them

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Sugar creates a climate where “healthy” bacteria can no longer grow in the vagina and intestines causing increased yeast infections. “Healthy” bacteria in the intestines make Vit B which the body uses to make stress hormones. . . .

Coming off sugar may cause low energy, depression, feelings of alienation, lack of coordination for 1-5 days, but it will get better! 🤸🏽‍♂️

#sugarmoderation #sugarawareness #functionalmedicine #healthydiet #balanceddiet #rootandstem #eatwell #moderationnotdeprivation #moderationmovement

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Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Sometimes we need a break from all the self care + work

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I recently received an email from a patient of mine that I hadn’t seen in several months. Her email expressed her sadness and frustration that her symptoms had started to come back after taking a break from weekly acupuncture. 😕👎🏽

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She had originally come to see me last year looking for help with her irregular and painful cycle. Her cycle hadn’t always been like this and recently took a turn for the worst. . . .

The OBGYN at Kaiser slapped the “perimenopause” label on her and had very little to offer her in the way of treatment. Thankfully after a few months of consistent acupuncture treatment, functional lab analysis, and a variety of herbs/supplements, we got her totally back on track!

🌟We both felt at that time, that her body was in a good place and due to time commitments, she wanted to take a break from the consistent routine of self care. When she emailed me this week expressing her feelings of defeat, I knew right away that it wasn’t a defeat at all! . . .

Our bodies are always ebbing and flowing. Staying in balance can take work and sometimes we need a break from the work. Just like exercise, we need more and other times less, but our bodies are so strong and adaptable that when we have done the work in the past, it will bounce back. ❤️

#acupuncture #functionalmedicine #chineseherbs #womenshealth #labwork #labanalysis #supplements #balance #bestofoakland

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