Summer Celery Juice Cleanse Recipe
Enjoy this special celery juice recipe (from the amazing @brookie.mackie) to stay cool and also cleanse your body this summer! 😎 🌞It's so important to remember that as the daylight hours and temperatures increase getting hydration from our foods --- as well as from drinking plenty of water is important for our health this season.
The Celery Juice Cleanse 🌱
Have you heard about drinking celery juice for health? It’s all the rage right now and has been promoted by the Medical Medium for its many health benefits such as cleansing the liver of toxins and viruses like Epstein-Barr and Shingles, combatting chronic acid reflux, reversing auto-immune diseases, and recovering from SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth). While these are undoubtedly amazing healing effects from a humble bunch of celery, if you plan on joining the ranks of juice guzzlers, consult your acupuncturist first! Most of us in the modern Western world need some liver detoxification due to stress, alcohol, caffeine and processed food consumption along with exposure to environmental toxins. However, you should make sure your digestion is strong and not affected by Cold or Damp pathogens, as we would say in Chinese Medicine. If your Spleen or Stomach tend to have deficiency, cold, or damp, celery juice, which has a cooling effect on the GI, could worsen the problem, leaving you a bit too “cleansed“, if you get my drift!
If you get the okay from your practitioner that it could be helpful for you, consider adding this amazing vegetable-herb-medicine to your morning health routine!
You’ll need a juicer and plenty of fresh celery! I drank 16 ounces each morning and waited 30 minutes before consuming any other food. If you include the leaves, it is beneficial, but makes the juice more bitter. Enjoy cooling and cleansing this summer, and pay attention to how you feel to make sure it’s a good medicine for you!