Orthopedic Acupuncture For Pain Relief
We recommend this 12-week individualized holistic orthopedics program for anyone seeking acute or chronic pain relief. Treatments address a wide range of therapeutic services to relieve pain, sports injuries, chronic upper and low back pain, sciatica, chronic strain or tension, and stress and promote whole-body wellness.
Initial appointment: $255
Follow up acupuncture appointments: $125
Orthopedic Pain Relieving Treatments
Dry Needling Acupuncture and Trigger Point Therapy
Tongue and pulse diagnosis
Abdominal diagnoses
Holistic health acupuncture treatments
Cupping or gua sha
Celluma Red Light Therapy
Heat Therapy
Orthopedic exercises and movement coaching
Personalized lifestyle and dietary guidance
Discuss comprehensive treatment plans for current or chronic issues
Update herbal or supplement recommendations
Optimal Outcome Add-On:
Bi-weekly treatment program. Ideal for those in acute pain for $120/treatment