Spring is Coming!

Whenever the cherry blossoms come out, I get so excited for Spring. πŸ’—πŸŒ±πŸ’
I’ve even noticed my energy perk up and my motivation to exercise increase. ✨

I have to remind myself β€œDon’t jump into Spring just yet!” We are very much still in the Winter cycle, and it is important to keep mellow and not over do it. We are starting to enter that Liver time of year that gets so antsy with the weather. .

The Liver is the adolescent energy of the 5 Elements, and is so easily frustrated in early spring. It just wants to get moving! But really we need to keep it slow. Eat soups and broths, get to bed as early as possible, no boot camp ;) and really continue with the tail end of hibernation mode. Don’t worry, Spring will come! 🌷🌸

 #springiscoming#healthtips #functionalmedicine#rootandstem #winterwisdom#liveseasonally

Rowdy Ferret Design

Oakland based web designer and developer.

Loves long walks in the woods and barbeque.


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