Soak up the very tail end of summer!

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Loving these end of summer tips this month from one of our fav nutritionists @lyssandra_nativepalms !!!

It's August and we're full on into Leo season πŸ‘‘πŸŒ»πŸ–

β€’β€’β€’ have you fulfilled some of your health summer plans and goals liiike β€’β€’β€’ eating summer fruits and vegetables, being active outside, sunbathing, swimming, resting, spending time with friends, taking naps, getting inspired

β€’β€’β€’ f e e l i n g c r e a t i v e

Soak it up! And come see us for an acupuncture nap soon πŸ’›

Rowdy Ferret Design

Oakland based web designer and developer.

Loves long walks in the woods and barbeque.

Visit us at Harborside!


It's Summer Harvest Time!