Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Upgrade your Breakfast!

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Our mouth is already watering from this luscious looking Farmer’s market breakfast made by our lovely acupuncturist @brookie.mackie! She will be at @shopharborside today from 3-8 for community and private acupuncture!

I’ve been trying to upgrade my breakfast lately. Subbing in Japanese sweet potatoes with grass-fed butter for my gluten-free toast habit.

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Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Inspiration in the Kitchen!

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The lovely @lyssandra_nativepalms is always inspiring us with great ideas in the kitchen!


keepin' it fresh, clean, seasonal, and making it with puuure love is such a goood feeeling ...

PS. take note of this bootch ... higher alcohol percentage than the regulars. This one has ashwaghanda, turmeric, and ginger ... stress reducing, boozy bootch ...

PSS. Bootch still has a lot of sugar, so if you're avoiding sugar or have candida overgrowth, I'd refrain... #bearerofbadnewssorry

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Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Red Cabbage + Your Health

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I'm very proud of our first cabbage harvest! β˜€οΈ This is the first year we've grown cabbage and it did not disappoint! Not only is cabbage a fave for many of my summertime recipes, but I'm definitely going to turn this baby into some juicy kraut! So please prepare yourself for spamming of kraut updates as the process continues. Oh and did I mention the amazing health benefits of the glorious purple cabbage?

πŸ’œ Packed with nutrients! Vit B6 and Folate to help with energy metabolism; Antioxidants and Vit C to fight free radicals; The rich deep color of this vegetable is due to a high concentration of anthocyanin polyphenols (strong dietary antioxidants, possessing anti-inflammatory properties).

πŸ’œRed cabbage contains powerful compounds called anthocyanins. In a study including 93,600 women, researchers found that those with a higher intake of anthocyanin-rich foods had a much lower risk of a heart attack.

πŸ’œHigh in Potassium which helps excrete excess sodium through urine. It also relaxes blood vessel walls, which lowers blood pressure.

πŸ’œCabbage and other brassicas help your liver flush toxins and in Chinese Medicine the Liver LOVES the sour taste which makes sauerkraut a perfect side dish on your BBQ plate!


#rootandstem #functionalmedicine #easternmedicine #acupuncture #acupunctureworks #labanalysis #foodasmedicine #harvest #summertime #food #garden #grow #eastmeetswest #labwork #topratedacupuncture #womenshealth #chineseherbs #herbalmedicine #6weekstoglow #health #wellness #eatwell #feelbetter #naturalglow #healthtips #bestofoakland

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Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

Eating with the Seasons

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Eating with the seasons doesn’t just taste good it’s good for YOU and the planet! 🌱πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦πŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒπŸ’πŸ‘

Buy local and organic, from your farmers markets if possible or stores that sell foods from local producers! Right now we’re seeing herbs like cilantro, mint, parsley, and veggies like fennel, carrots, beets, radishes, cucumbers, the first summer squash and even peaches, nectarines and strawberries locally (and so many more goodies)!

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Rowdy Ferret Design Rowdy Ferret Design

To take supplements or not?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with how many supplements you have to take in a day? 😧

I often find that people are taking waaaaaaaay too many supplements. I have been there too, trying to keep my body in balance and thinking that I need every possible supplement that will make me feel good and stay young, when all of a sudden I realize I’m taking handfuls of pills. Yuck. πŸ‘Ž

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While I do think that the power of herbal remedies and vitamins are so important for boosting our health, it is really easy to over do it. One of the things I love the most about blending Functional Medicine with Eastern Medicine is that we are looking deep to see how your body can be in its most balanced state and function in a healthy way without the continued addition of supplements. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’— Sometimes we totally need the boost, but ultimately let’s work to find out what your body needs to work its best on its own. πŸ˜ƒ

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