Microneedling Devices: Getting to The Point on Benefits, Risks, And Safety

If you've been paying attention to the skincare world lately, you've probably noticed that microneedling is all the rage. And for good reason! Microneedling is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that reduces wrinkles and acne scarring, restores sun-damaged skin, and dramatically improves skin texture.

 You may have heard of derma rollers - those cute little devices with needles on a wheel and a handle that you can use at home to give yourself a DIY microneedling treatment. A quick google pulls up any number of various home-use derma roller-style products for as little as $10. But let's be honest, they aren't the same as professional medical-grade microneedling devices, come with risks, and their effects are incomparable.

 If you want the best results with the least amount of risk, your microneedling treatments should be performed by a licensed professional acupuncturist using medical-grade equipment. Read on for some need-to-know information.

 What is Microneedling?

 First things first, Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, involves using a device with tiny needles to puncture the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, and stimulate Qi, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, which results in smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

 The Problem with Derma Rollers and Low RPM Non-Medical Grade Oscillating Devices

 Microneedling can be performed with a derma roller or an oscillating device, but not all devices are created equal (or anywhere close to equal). For example, professional-grade microneedling pens start at 3 to 4K$ and go up from there, while home-use oscillating pens start at just a few hundred dollars.

 What's the difference? The most significant difference in terms of how they affect your skin is RPMs (rotations per minute). The higher the RPMs, the less drag the needles have on your skin, reducing the risk of scarring. Medical-grade devices have incredibly high RPMs and stimulate collagen and elastin production with zero damage to your skin.

 Speaking of drag, derma roller devices are tough on your skin because the needles on the roller head enter and exit your skin very slowly by comparison. Even worse, due to the round roller head, they enter and exit your skin at an angle, creating more drag and increasing the risk of scarring, hyperpigmentation, and even nerve damage.

 The Benefits of Medical-Grade Oscillating Devices

 Only medically licensed professionals (like acupuncturists) can purchase medical-grade devices in California. So if you want to get the best results with the least amount of risk, you should book an appointment with an acupuncturist.

Here's a quick breakdown of the benefits.

 1. Precision

Medical-grade oscillating devices offer far greater precision than derma rollers or home-use devices. The depth of the punctures is adjustable based on the patient's skin type and the specific concerns being addressed. In addition, once adjusted, they penetrate the skin at a consistent depth and frequency, resulting in better collagen production and more visible results.

 2. Safety

Medical-grade oscillating devices are your safest option for microneedling treatments. Derma rollers can introduce bacteria into the skin, leading to infection. Derma roller needles can also cause small tears in the skin (rather than precision punctures), making it easier for bacteria to enter the body and increasing recovery time.

Medical-grade devices have much finer needles, and the heads are sterile, single-use, and disposable, mitigating the risk of infection and cross-contamination.

Medical professionals understand the importance of sterilization and use sterile tools and surfaces for every patient.

 3. No Pain

Derma rollers can be painful and uncomfortable, especially if incorrectly used. The pain and discomfort can deter patients from continuing with the treatment. However, when you get a microneedling facial from an acupuncturist, the benefits go beyond just the higher-quality device. Your acupuncturist will use a numbing cream on your face and will not begin the treatment until it takes effect, virtually eliminating any pain or discomfort.

 Final Thoughts

 Microneedling is a true skincare game changer disrupting botox, fillers, surgery, and other invasive procedures. You'll see dramatic results without any recovery time with a medical-grade device used by a licensed acupuncturist.

 The benefits of microneedling go well beyond wrinkle reduction. The treatment improves scars, pore size appearance, sun spots, and dramatically smooths skin texture. For Oakland or Nevada City microneedling and facial acupuncture, look no further than Root & Stem's 12-week Radiant Aging Cosmetic Acupuncture Program.

 If you'd like to learn more, call us any time at either of our clinics (Oakland: 510.519.3413, Nevada City: 530.900.4304) or email hello@rootandstemclinic.com. Ready to grab your spot and get glowing? Book your first session in Oakland or Nevada City today!

5 Amazing Ways Acupuncture Benefits Runners

If you're a runner, chances are you're no stranger to muscle aches, sore joints, and the possibility of injury.

There are risks involved with any athletic pursuit, and for those of us who love the feeling of a good run, the risks definitely outweigh the physical and mental benefits!

Whether you're training for competition or someone who enjoys the occasional jog around the block, it's vital to ensure you're doing everything you can to keep your body healthy and injury-free so you can reap the maximum benefits of running. Acupuncture can help!

Here are five ways that acupuncture can keep you running strong!

Injury Prevention

Although acupuncture is highly effective for injury treatment, its greatest potential benefit for runners is preventing them from occurring in the first place.

Let's face it. When it comes to running and training, injury prevention is everything. After all, no runner wants to be stuck on the sidelines nursing an injury instead of pushing themselves further and building on all their hard work.

As runners know, certain areas (like the back, hips, and legs) are more prone to injury due to the intense demand placed on them by running. In addition, these areas can be difficult to relax once they become tense.

Acupuncture needles penetrate directly to deep muscle bands, triggering release and relaxation and reducing joint tension. Relaxed muscles benefit more from stretching and are less injury prone. Acupuncture treatments improve muscle fiber mobility and provide runners with ongoing relief from chronic running-related aches, pains, and joint stress.

Ligaments and tendon injuries, familiar to runners, are also some of the most stubborn. Regular acupuncture improves blood flow to ligaments and tendons, making them stronger and more resilient so they can withstand the demands of running with less risk of injury.

Energy and Endurance Boost

Every running enthusiast knows that the sport requires a LOT of energy and endurance, and it can be a challenge to maintain the level of performance you need to achieve your goals.

Regular acupuncture treatments help boost your energy and endurance by improving your circulation, which can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Acupuncture stimulates your body's natural energy pathways (meridians) and natural life force (qi), which increases stamina, endurance, and performance.

In addition, acupuncture treatments improve your overall well-being and reduce stress, so you feel more energized and ready to take on the next challenge!

Injury Treatment and Pain Relief

While prevention is critical, injuries happen. If you do suffer an acute injury or chronic pain from a previous injury, acupuncture can alleviate discomfort, improve your quality of life, and get you back on your training schedule in less time.

There are several ways acupuncture helps with pain relief. First, it stimulates the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms, such as the release of endorphins and enkephalins (your body's natural painkillers).

Second, acupuncture stimulates blood flow and qi to the affected area, initiating healing and reducing inflammation.

Lastly, acupuncture helps to restore balance in the body's meridians, which helps your body begin to heal itself and can reduce the intensity and duration of pain.

Many of the most common running injuries heal faster and stronger with acupuncture. Runner's knee, for example, benefits from the increased circulation and reduced muscle tension acupuncture treatments provide, resulting in improved knee mobility and pain relief.

Reducing Inflammation

As a runner, you're no stranger to inflammation. After all, it's a natural response to the stress running places on your body, but too much inflammation leads to pain, stiffness, and injury. Acupuncture can help to reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which promotes healing and reduces swelling.

Acupuncture also stimulates your body's natural anti-inflammatory response, which helps reduce pain and promotes recovery.

Improved Recovery Time

As a runner, it's essential to give your body time to recover between workouts, but if you're dealing with pain or inflammation, you might find your recovery periods are longer than you'd prefer.

Acupuncture can help improve recovery time by boosting qi, blood circulation, flexibility, and range of motion while reducing inflammation, bringing more oxygen to affected areas, and stimulating the body's natural healing response. Combined, these effects can dramatically improve recovery time after strenuous exercise so you can get back on track sooner.

Also, by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, acupuncture helps you get a better night's sleep, which is essential for optimal recovery and performance.

Final Thoughts

As a runner, you know that achieving optimum performance is so much more than just putting in the miles. And that staying healthy and injury-free is essential to achieving your goals.

Acupuncture is a great tool to help you do just that. Whether you're dealing with pain, inflammation, or chronic injury, looking to get more from your workouts, or simply looking for a way to boost your energy and endurance, acupuncture can help.

We recommend three to four treatments monthly for serious and competitive athletes to help them reach peak performance. However, even casual runners see huge benefits from regular acupuncture treatments to help them meet and exceed their goals with less risk of injury.

Want to learn more about how acupuncture can benefit you as a runner? Call Root & Stem any time at either of our clinics (Oakland: (510) 463-4304, Nevada City: (530) 900-4304) or email hello@rootandstemclinic.com.

Ready to give acupuncture a try? Book your first session in Oakland or Nevada City today!


Reasons You Should Try Cupping Therapy

Have you ever seen someone at the beach or the gym with perfect dark red circles on their shoulders, neck or back? Chances are they're reaping the benefits of cupping therapy from their acupuncturist!

At Root & Stem, we offer cupping as a compliment to our acupuncture treatments. Cupping corrects imbalances in your biofield (qi), helping your body heal itself. The therapy improves qi flow to promote well-being, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve circulation.

The basic principle of cupping behind cupping is this:

"Where there's stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the stagnation, and you remove the pain." - Ancient Chinese Maxim

Before we dive into the benefits, let's take a closer look at this ancient practice.

An Ancient Therapy

Cupping (or myofascial decompression) is an ancient therapy with roots in Chinese, Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures. Well documented in multiple ancient traditional Chinese medicine texts, including the Bo Shu and the medical classic Su Sen Liang Fang, cupping is one of the oldest methods of TCM.

The renowned TCM herbalist Ge Hong was China's first documented cupping practitioner. Hong famously believed that the combination of acupuncture and cupping was effective in treating over half of all illnesses.

Today, practitioners rely on cupping to treat various ailments worldwide. The process involves placing small cups on the skin and creating a vacuum within them using heat (via an open flame) or suction devices. The pressure the suction creates pulls the underlying tissue upward, stimulating qi and promoting healing.

Ancient practitioners used animal horns or bamboo to create therapeutic cups, but today glass plastic or medical-grade silicone cups are the norm. At Root & Stem, we prefer glass because it's less likely to irritate the skin.

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps helped bring cupping to the attention of the modern world when he appeared in photographs with his own unique set of round cupping circles on his skin in 2016. Since then, cupping has become a popular treatment for athletes, celebrities and regular folks alike.

Here are seven great benefits of adding cupping therapy to your health regimen:

1. Improved Circulation

Cupping improves fresh oxygenated blood flow to the affected area, promoting increased cellular repair and healing. Increased circulation is the first step toward alleviating pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Cupping helps jumpstart this healing process.

2. Reduced Stress & Anxiety

 When you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, your body struggles to maintain equilibrium. Cupping therapy's warmth and gentle pressure relax the nervous system, reducing anxiety and allowing your body to return to balance.

3. Detoxification

Cupping helps the body rid itself of toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system to clear out impurities, improving immunity and overall health.

4. Congestion Relief

Whether you suffer from allergies, the common cold, or even asthma, cupping can help clear away congestion. The therapy reduces excess heat in the lungs, helping them clear congestion. Cupping treatments for congestion may involve cups on the chest in addition to the back, depending on the severity of the condition.

5. Reduced Appearance of Stretch Marks or Scars

Cupping therapy helps improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars by promoting the healthy production of collagen, elastin and other proteins in the connective tissue to keep skin from sagging. Even areas where you've received no cupping may benefit from the treatment.

6. A Digestive Aid

 Gentle abdominal cupping stimulates your digestive organs and improves digestion by stimulating the peristaltic action of the intestines. As a result, many patients experience a noticeable improvement in discomfort from bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues.

7. Improved Mobility and Range of Motion

Cupping therapy helps unlock stiffness and immobility from chronic muscle stiffness by loosening the muscles and connective tissue. This increases the range of motion and can help with chronic pain caused by muscle tightness or overuse injuries.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a natural way to reduce the effects of stress, improve your circulation and enhance your overall wellness, cupping and regular acupuncture treatments might be just what you need. At Root & Stem, we can help you experience the benefits firsthand so you can feel your best! So get in touch with us today and start your journey to better health.

Ready to get started? Book acupuncture and cupping in Nevada City or Oakland today!

The Truth Behind 10 Beauty Myths

We've all heard them – the beauty myths passed down through generations, and more recently, spread through our social media circles. But how much of it is true?

When it comes to beauty myths, there are more than we can count, but we get a lot of questions about the ones below, so we wanted to set the record straight.

Let's dive in!

 Myth: Facial Product Application Order Doesn't Matter

Truth: The order in which you apply your skincare products is essential. You want to start with the lightest consistency and work toward the thickest product. Many lightweight products are water-based (like our Root & Stem hyaluronic acid-based Chinese herbal serum). If you apply water-based products after applying oil-based products, they'll have a tough time getting through because oils act like a barrier on your skin. This can drastically reduce the efficacy of some serums, so it's a good idea to think your application order through.

We recommend starting with a gentle cleanser, then applying your toner or serums, and adding moisturizers, oils, or creams.

Myth: You Need Lots of Expensive and Complicated Skincare Products to Look Your Best

Truth: Nope. You don't need a 20-step routine to have glowing skin. Sure, investing in high-quality products is essential, but high quality and expense sometimes go hand in hand. Also, you don't need to buy every product on the market or apply countless layers of serum and creams daily to have great-looking skin.

Some brands make a fortune capitalizing on this myth.

How do we know? We've been formulating skincare products for years, so we have a decent idea of how much ingredients cost, which active ingredients have the most significant impact, and which are mostly hype.

That's why we keep our facial products pure and simple. We use extremely high-quality, organic ingredients, but only a carefully curated select few. This keeps our cost per product reasonable without compromising efficacy.

The most important thing is finding the right products for your skin type and getting into a routine that's simple enough to stick with day after day.

Myth: You Should Wash Your Face Morning and Night

Truth: Have you heard the term "microbiome"? It's the collection of bacteria and microorganisms living on your skin. Your microbiome has a purpose: it protects your skin from environmental aggressors and encourages homeostasis (a state of balance). Overwashing can disrupt your microbiome, so it's essential not to overdo it.

If you wear makeup, consider using a gentle cleanser in the evening and simply rinsing your face with warm water in the morning. If you're a heavy makeup wearer or an avid gym-goer, twice-a-day facial cleansing might make sense.  Remember to use a gentle product that doesn't strip away your natural oils and hydration.

Myth: Oily Skin Doesn't Require Moisturizer

Truth: Contrary to popular belief, the opposite is often the case! One cause of oily skin that we see a lot is dry skin. When your skin lacks hydration, it triggers the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. So, adding a moisturizer to your skincare routine helps regulate oil production and restore balance.

Myth: Daily Exfoliation is Good for Your Skin

Truth: Exfoliation is integral to a healthy skincare routine, but you don't need to do it every day. In fact, over-exfoliation can cause micro-tears in the skin and lead to dryness, irritation, and even acne.

We recommend using a gentle exfoliator no more than twice a week to remove dead skin cells and residue from your pores. In addition, you should opt for gentile physical exfoliants that don't contain plastic microbeads. While microbeads work fine, they contribute to plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways, so please avoid them at all costs.

Myth: Microneedling Can Damage Your Skin

Truth: Microneedling (or collagen induction therapy) is safe for your skin when performed by a licensed professional. While it does make holes in your skin, they are too small to see with the naked eye. In addition, your body's natural response seals them closed again within hours of treatment, and collagen production improves so that you benefit from firmer and more elastic skin in the long run.

The procedure is gaining popularity as a safe and effective treatment for acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Myth: Microneedling is Painful

Truth: Microneedling is virtually painless. At Root & Stem, we use a topical numbing cream and have patients relax on the table while it kicks in. In addition, the single-use micro needling heads we use are incredibly fine, and some describe the sensation as a "tingling" feeling. Your skin may feel tender for a few hours, but not painful.

Myth: Microneedling Requires a Recovery Period

Truth: Just the opposite! Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure, so you can expect to return to your regular activities right away. Your skin may have some minor redness or sensitivity during the 24 hours right after your treatment, but that usually fades quickly. Some people even experience a "glow" that develops over the next few days.

Myth: Microneedling at Home is the Same Microneedling from Your Acupuncturist or Med Spa

Truth: Not even close. Professional microneedling devices are medical-grade oscillating mechanical pens that can penetrate the skin far more deeply than at-home tools (like derma rollers). As a result, the effects of professional microneedling are far more dramatic and do much more to stimulate your skin's natural collagen and elastin production and improve skin texture and tone.

Professional microneedling can even reduce scarring from acne or injury, stimulate new capillaries for improved blood supply, and stimulate and restore hair growth when used on the scalp.

Myth: Professional Microneedling With Your Acupuncturist is the Same as Microneedling at a Med Spa

Truth: Not all microneedling is the same. Acupuncturists are highly skilled professionals with extensive training in facial anatomy and physiology. Unlike Med Spa professionals, we look at your body as a whole because we know that facial aesthetic concerns often have roots in internal imbalances that can lead to stagnant qi.

Our Radiant Aging Cosmetic Acupuncture Program combines microneedling with facial acupuncture techniques used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to support aging, restore balance, and improve the overall health of your body, mind, and spirit.

Final Thoughts

There's plenty of chatter about beauty, especially regarding microneedling, and it can be a challenge sorting fact from fiction. We hope this post helped you better understand the truth behind some popular myths so that you can make well-informed decisions about your skincare.

Healthy, glowing complexion results from cultivating balance and harmony in the body, and a holistic approach yields the best results.

We've got you covered if you're looking for a natural, long-lasting alternative to Botox and fillers. Our 12-Week Radiant Aging Program is the perfect way to support your natural beauty and create a beautiful complexion without resorting to invasive or chemical procedures.

Looking For “Microneedling Near Me?”

We're here for you. Get in touch with us today and start your journey to a radiant complexion. Microneedling combined with cosmetic acupuncture is a true skincare game changer, and we would love to help you achieve your natural beauty goals.

Ready to get started? Book cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling in Nevada City or Oakland today!

The Root & Stem Radiant Aging Program

What You Need to Know About This Game-Changing Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Are you looking to restore your skin's natural glow and reverse the signs of aging? Maybe you've tried Botox and fillers in the past but want a more holistic approach or have been put off by the side effects and downtime. If any of the above sounds like you, our Radiant Aging Program is the perfect solution!

At Root & Stem, we seek to embrace, enhance, and beautify the natural aging process. We're here to help you shine brighter, no matter your age, by stimulating and supporting your skin's inherent ability to look and feel its best.

When it comes to natural skin enhancement, the Root & Stem Radiant Aging program is in a class of its own. For example, if you Google "microneedling facial near me" or “Oakland microneedling,” you'll see that our community has countless med spas offering the service. But here's what makes Radiant Aging unique: our program combines the latest microneedling techniques with holistic facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatments embraced by Eastern medicine for millennia.

The result? A dramatically improved overall skin appearance and reduced facial lines, wrinkles, age spots, acne, and scarring. But with Radiant Aging, your skin doesn't just appear healthier; it truly is healthier. Why? Because the treatments stimulate and restore your body's own collagen and elastin production while increasing circulation and facial muscle tone.

Unlike other skin treatments, Root & Stem Radiant Aging addresses the mind and body as a whole. This is critical because cosmetic issues that manifest in the face (like wrinkles, sagging skin, acne, and rosacea) are often related to internal imbalances affecting the organs, blood, and qi. By addressing these internal imbalances, we manage and improve many age-related cosmetic complaints and boost the efficacy of microneedling treatments.

So What Does The Program Look Like?

During a 12-week period, you'll visit one of our clinics for 3 microneedling treatments (each 4 weeks apart) interspersed with 7 cosmetic acupuncture and nanoneedling facial rejuvenation treatments. You'll also get a 12-week supply of our custom-formulated hyaluronic acid-based Chinese herbal serum and follow-up skin oil. The pair will nourish and support your skin daily during your treatment period.

On your first visit, we begin with the traditional eastern medicine diagnostic process to evaluate your health and create a treatment plan, especially for you.

Facial Rejuvenation (or Cosmetic Acupuncture)

During facial rejuvenation treatments, we apply special ultra-fine acupuncture needles designed for facial use to specific points on your face. We may also apply needles to other areas of your body according to your treatment plan to address underlying physical imbalances discovered during diagnosis.

While Microneedling addresses skin tone, glow, and the appearance of wrinkles, facial rejuvenation treatments are ideal for lifting the face and toning facial muscles. They also work wonders in addressing bags or darkness under the eyes because the under-eye area is too sensitive for direct microneedling treatments.

We follow each facial rejuvenation treatment with a nanoneedling session. First, we apply our Root & Stem organic hyaluronic acid-based Chinese herbal serum. Next, we go over your entire face and neck with a special nanoneedling attachment affixed to the same oscillating medical pen we use for microneedling treatments. The nanoneedling head does not penetrate the skin but dramatically improves the absorption of our serum and stimulates your dermal tissue.

We complete each facial rejuvenation session with Celluma Light Therapy for maximum results. Our FDA-approved device uses specific light wavelengths to stimulate cellular regeneration and improve skin health. Check out the science here!


During microneedling treatments, we use a specialized oscillating microneedling pen on the entire face and neck. The single-use head of the pen contains 12 extremely tiny needles. The treatment results in microtrauma to the skin, awakening and improving your natural collagen and elastin production by stimulating keratinocytes in your skin. The two proteins work to reduce wrinkle depth and skin dryness naturally resulting in a glowing complexion and firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

Synergistic Treatments Build Momentum

The combination of our treatments is more than just the sum of its parts. Each treatment builds on prior sessions creating the synergy necessary for tangible, long-term results. With each session, you'll feel your skin getting softer and firmer and notice reduced fine lines, improved skin tone, and increased facial contour.

In addition to the treatments, We also provide dietary and lifestyle guidance. Our recommendations for supplements and herbal formulas add an extra layer of support for your skin and overall health.

The best part? The treatments are painless and require no downtime or recovery period. Most of our patients come to look forward to their sessions as a relaxing and meditative moment of peace, self-reflection, and self-care.

An Investment in Your Health and Well-Being

We've carefully designed our Radiant Aging Program to help you restore balance, turn back the clock, and experience glowing skin that radiates health and vitality. It's an investment in your own health and well-being that will pay dividends far beyond what you see in the mirror!

After taking ample R&D time, we finally rolled out Radiant Aging in 2022, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Patients report seeing visible improvements in their skin, including increased tone and elasticity, reduction in wrinkles and pore size, plus improved overall complexion.

So if you're looking for Oakland Microneedling, consider going above and beyond with our Radiant Aging Program. In addition to microneedling, it goes way beyond the surface. It also includes a 3 month supply of our high-end all-natural skincare line to nourish and support your skin every step of the way.

Let's start your journey to radiant aging today! We look forward to helping you feel confident in your skin and equipping you with the tools and techniques to age gracefully and beautifully.

If you'd like to learn more about our facial rejuvenation services, give us a call any time at either of our clinics (Oakland: 510.519.3413, Nevada City: 530.900.4304) or email hello@rootandstemclinic.com.

Ready to grab your spot and get glowing? Book your first session in Oakland or Nevada City today!

How Can Acupuncture Help with Pain?

We all will experience varying pain levels at some point in our lives. Pain is our body’s way of alerting us to internal issues.

Depending on the cause, pain can be dull or sharp. Some more extreme pain levels can affect one’s mobility and, consequently, quality of life.

Physical activity can trigger pain flare-ups, and those suffering from this type of pain may be unable to perform daily tasks.

In a desperate attempt to avoid pain triggers, many people stop attending social events leading to social isolation that can wreak havoc on one’s physical and mental health. It increases a person’s risk of dementia by 50%. Pain can also affect productivity by forcing us to miss workdays.

If you are regularly experiencing pain that is beginning to affect your daily life, then it is time to seek treatment. The team at Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine provides a wide variety of acupuncture and wellness services to ensure the highest level of support to those experiencing pain. If you are interested in learning more about how acupuncture can help with pain, call our acupuncture clinic in Oakland at (510) 463-4304 or continue reading.

Types of Pain

Pain can range in levels of intensity. When defining your pain, there are five types: chronic, acute, neuropathic, nociceptive, and functional.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain lasts for more than three months. Studies show that around 100 million Americans struggle with chronic pain. Depending on the root cause, chronic pain sometimes lasts years.

This type of pain results from chronic health conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic migraine, and chronic temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Additionally, nerve changes due to cancer treatment can cause chronic pain for cancer patients.

Chronic pain can be consistent or intermittent, sharp, or dull and it can affect any part of the body. Untreated chronic pain affects a person’s ability to navigate everyday life.

Chronic pain often comes on after an injury or surgery. Some risk factors for chronic pain include age, being overweight, and sex – statistically speaking, females are more likely to experience chronic pain than males.

Acute Pain

Acute pain occurs suddenly. A specific event usually causes it. Acute pain is sharp or intense and goes away once the underlying problem is addressed or resolved. It often serves as a warning sign of an underlying health problem or other threat to the body.

Some common causes of acute pain include injuries, illnesses, and procedures such as surgery and dental work. Some signs of acute pain include loss of appetite, mobility problems, tight, tense muscles, and low energy. Depending on the cause, acute pain can last from a few days to several months.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or injury to the nerves that facilitate communication between the brain and spinal cord. It is often described as a burning, shooting, or stabbing sensation. People with neuropathic pain are extremely sensitive to touch.

Neuropathic pain can be unrelenting or come and go. Some common health conditions that can cause neuropathic pain include herniated discs, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, HIV infection or AIDS, syphilis, shingles, and thyroid problems.

Nociceptive Pain

Nociceptive pain stems from injuries or health conditions that cause tissue damage. Some health conditions and injuries that can provoke nociceptive pain include inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, burns, cuts, fractures, and bruises.

People with nociceptive pain describe it as throbbing, sharp, or achy. It usually develops in parts of the musculoskeletal system. Typical examples include joints, bones, muscles, and tendons.

Functional Pain

Functional pain can be either chronic or acute. Researchers have yet to determine the exact cause of functional pain. Many health experts believe it can stem from a chronic condition requiring long-term care and monitoring. Functional pain syndromes affect more than 15% of the global population.

Some common functional pain syndromes include chronic fibromyalgia, cardiac chest pain, and irritable bowel syndrome.

How Can Acupuncture Alleviate Pain?

People worldwide use acupuncture as a standalone treatment or an adjunct to conventional care to manage different types of pain. The ancient Chinese practice stimulates qi and instigates the production of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and serotonin. These hormones promote body-wide health and well-being. Acupuncture also flushes out toxins from the body and suppresses stress hormones.

Studies show that acupuncture can relieve pain and discomfort caused by diseases and health conditions such as fibromyalgia, cancer, and osteoarthritis. It supports women’s health by treating common menstrual problems such as painful periods, irregular periods, and heavy periods. Acupuncture during pregnancy can help with common pregnancy complaints and prepare the body for childbirth. It can also ease troublesome menopause symptoms.

Stress is a common cause of pain. Acupuncture relieves stress by stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to release endorphins and other feel-good hormones.

In many cases, pain results from an injury. Acupuncture fast-tracks injury recovery by increasing blood flow to the injured area and reducing inflammation. Pain caused by an injury or health condition can force you to change your gait, resulting in posture problems. Poor posture stresses the already tense muscles, exacerbating your symptoms. Acupuncture treats the root cause of pain and can help address posture problems resulting from it.

Pain can be debilitating, but there is hope. If you or a loved one is looking for a holistic approach to treating pain at any level, then it is time to turn to pain management with acupuncture.

Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine is a trusted acupuncture clinic in Oakland and Nevada City. Our practitioners are dedicated to providing top-notch pain relief treatments for our patients. Their specialized skills and knowledge enable them to develop customized healthcare plans for each client. To consult with our team,call (510) 463-4304.

Acupuncture: The Key to Maximizing Athletic Performance

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique. It originated almost 3,000 years ago in China. TCM experts believe that an illness occurs when Qi, the life force that circulates within the body of every living being, stagnates.

Studies show that acupuncture can help alleviate many health problems, such as chronic pain, headaches, and digestive issues. It also reduces the symptoms of enervating mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. It is 100% safe and drug-free and can help reduce chonic pain-related medication dependence.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Many people shudder at the thought of needles and automatically assume that acupuncture will hurt. What many do not know is that acupuncturist uses paper-thin needles instead of what you might think of as traditional hypodermic needles. Insertion usually doesn’t cause discomfort or pain. Some clients report finding the experience so relaxing they fell asleep on the table.

Benefits of Sports Acupuncture

Professional athletes and amateurs use acupuncture to improve athletic performance. Sports acupuncture near Oakland can treat different sports-related injuries, including traumatic and overuse injuries. Acupuncture can fast-track injury recovery, allowing you to return to the field sooner after an injury. Unlike many other therapies that mask the symptoms of performance problems, sports acupuncture treats the root of the cause.

At Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine, our team helps athletes get back in the game with therapeutic sports acupuncture treatments. Here are some of the most compelling reasons we receive athletes being seen for sports acupuncture services.

It Reduces Pain

Pain from an injury can affect an athlete’s balance, stamina, and flexibility. As a result, their athletic performance may decline. Acupuncture has been recognized as an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain. It reduces pain by stimulating the brain to produce feel-good hormones such as endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine.

These hormones reduce pain perception and affect one’s physical and emotional well-being. Acupuncture also helps reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body. Research suggests that acupuncture can help with acute inflammation from sports injuries by inducing the production of anti-inflammatory hormones that prevent the widespread tissue and nerve damage associated with inflammation.

It Helps Recover Faster from Injuries

Acupuncture can fast-track injury recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow to the affected body. Feel-good hormones the brain produces during acupuncture treatment relieve muscle aches and pains. As circulation improves, tensed, tight and stiff muscles relax.

Sports injuries can cause sleep problems. Poor sleep is linked to impeded recovery. Acupuncture can help calm the mind and body and decrease stress, allowing you to sleep better. When you sleep a whole night, your damaged tissues get enough time to repair and rebuild themselves.

At the end of a study that carried out 46 random trials on 3,811 patients, the researchers found that acupuncture increased the sleep duration of the subjects by three hours.

A sports injury can affect your immune system by disrupting immune system homeostasis. A weakened immune system needs more time to repair the affected part of the body after an injury. Acupuncture can strengthen a weakened immune system by increasing the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and T-cells.

It Helps with Injury Prevention

Why wait for a sports injury to occur and then treat it when you can prevent it in the first place? Acupuncture can help improve flexibility, and stability, increase your range of motion and decrease muscle tension to prevent injuries.

During the initial consultation, your sports acupuncturist will perform a physical examination to identify problem areas that you may be unaware of.

Once your acupuncturist acquires an in-depth understanding of the issues such as posture problems, chronic muscle overuse, and poor exercise form that increase your risk of sports injury, they will come up with an action plan to address them before they snowball into major problems. Your sports acupuncturist can release trigger points, helping ensure that your muscles remain loose and flexible during workouts, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

It Increases Awareness & Improves Response Times

Acupuncture can help improve situational awareness, allowing athletes of different skill levels to assess their environment to know what’s happening around them.

Many athletes use acupuncture to improve their cognitive function. When your cognitive functions, such as attention, decision-making, and problem-solving, improve, you can perform optimally in stressful and demanding environments.

Many athletes have difficulty coping with pre-competition nervousness and performance anxiety. Acupuncture can help reduce stress levels and help with anxiety by increasing the production of feel-good hormones and lowering stress hormone levels.

It Boosts Energy Levels

Lack of energy is a barrier to athletic performance. Athletes with low energy levels get tired quickly and cannot achieve peak performance. Acupuncture heals energy blocks, allowing Qi to flow freely throughout the body. This boosts circulation, leading to an overall increase in energy and vitality.

What to Expect When Seeing an Acupuncturist for the First Time?

During the initial consultation, your acupuncturist will ask about your health history. Your acupuncturist may order imaging tests to understand better the health problem you are experiencing.

Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine is a trusted acupuncture clinic in Oakland. Our acupuncturists have spent years mastering TCM techniques. They bring specialized skills and years of experience treating acute and chronic conditions to the table. To schedule an appointment with one of our sports acupuncture specialists, call (510) 463-4304.

What is Sports Medicine?

Sports injuries are caused by chronic muscle, joint, or ligament wear and tear, muscle overuse and the application of more force than the body can withstand.

Some common sports injuries include bruises, dislocations, rotator cuff injuries, and fractures. Athletes who play contact sports are more prone to sports injuries than others.

Ignoring a sports injury can prove to be a dangerous mistake, as an untreated injury can impact the affected body part’s ability to stay stable when performing certain actions. A serious injury can lead to complications that can overall not only affect a person’s physical but also mental health.

Sports medicine is an area of practice that focuses on treating and preventing injuries resulting from sports and exercise. Some goals of sports medicine include helping athletes and non-athletes who regularly participate in sports:

➢    Take measures to prevent injuries

➢    Achieve, maintain, sustain and regain peak physical fitness

➢    Speed up recovery from sports injuries and improve athletic performance

At Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine, we take a holistic approach to wellness and sports injury prevention. Our sports medicine practitioner Michelle Binzak is trained to make accurate diagnoses and develop treatment plans that address the underlying causes (for example, balance problems or structural problems of the upper or lower body) of sports injuries.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to preventing or treating sports injuries. No one understands this better than our sports medicine practitioner. To learn more about Michelle's services, reach out to our Oakland office by calling (510) 519-3413.

Sports Injury Prevention

Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur who participates in sports for enjoyment and exercise, you are at risk of sports injuries. Sports can be physically demanding. Repetitive motions in some sports can put a lot of pressure on your upper or lower body, causing overuse injuries. They say prevention is better than cure. Instead of waiting for sports injuries to occur and then treating them, why not prevent them in the first place?

We help athletes and non-athletes develop a better understanding of their bodies so they can take steps to assess and reduce injury risk. If you have a weak core, our sports medicine practitioners can recommend exercises to strengthen it. A strong core improves balance and stability, helping prevent injuries. Studies show that athletes with tight muscles are more susceptible to muscle strains and other injuries. We help our clients identify and perform the most effective dynamic stretches to improve flexibility.

Poor technique is a common cause of sports injuries. Knowing how to play a sport is essential to playing it well and preventing injuries. We educate athletes and amateurs on the right techniques such as:

➢    Using proper footwork to avoid injuries to the Achilles tendon and the ankle

➢    Balancing their body weight without over-extending their legs, arms, or backs, and

➢    Choosing the right equipment according to their size and ability

Playing any sport for too long without a break is an injury risk factor. We teach our clients to recognize signs of fatigue, so they can take a rest day or rest week to maximize recovery. If you were injured, and believe that your injury has healed, we recommend that you consult one of our sports injury practitioners before starting to play your favorite sports again.

If you are prone to sports injuries, we can develop a customized injury treatment plan for you. Our sports medicine practitioners can help you exercise safely and effectively to prevent injuries and improve athletic performance.

Sports Injury Treatment 

We specialize in treating different types of sports injuries including hip injuries, hand and wrist injuries, knee injuries, foot injuries, and shoulder injuries. Our practitioners use physical examinations and imaging tests such as CT scans, X-rays, or MRIs to accurately diagnose sports injuries.

If you are recovering from an injury, we can design a sports injury recovery program. Our sports medicine practitioners can recommend gentle exercises to get the injured part moving and improve your range of motion.

Fast-Tracking Injury Recovery

We aim to help injured athletes and non-athletes better understand their sports injuries. When injured person acquires a better understanding of their injuries, they are mentally prepared to deal with injury rehabilitation challenges. Our rehabilitative strategies enable faster recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Pain from a sports injury can affect one’s posture, resulting in an abnormal walking pattern which puts more pressure on the joints and muscles. This prolongs recovery. We help our clients train their muscles properly (without risking injury) to improve endurance, reflex control, and balance so they can maintain good walking posture without overexerting their muscles.

Nutrition plays an important role in injury recovery. High-protein foods such as different types of meat and foods rich in Omega-3 fats, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin D can help the body produce collagen, a protein that rebuilds tissues and reduces inflammation. We can prepare a customized diet chart and recommend beneficial foods for sports injury recovery.

Looking for a sports medicine practitioner in the Oakland area? Call our team at Root & Stem. Let our team help you get back to the activities you love and schedule an appointment today. To learn more about our services and speak with one of our sports injury practitioners, click here to fill out our online form or call our Oakland office at (510) 519-3413.


How Fertility Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice where professional clinicians insert paper-thin needles through the skin at strategic points on the body. The Chinese have been using acupuncture for several centuries to help treat various health conditions ranging from general body pain to infertility.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe that illnesses occur due to energy blocks. The goal of acupuncture is to heal energy blocks so Qi (or life force energy) can circulate freely through the body, and restore balance to the mind, body, and soul.

Studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system to produce feel-good hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones improve mood and promote happiness and pleasure.

Acupuncture is 100% drug-free, and unlike many over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications, acupuncture does not have any significant side effects and is 100% safe when performed by an experienced, licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture treats the illness at the root cause instead of masking its symptoms like traditional medications.

At Root and Stem, we believe in sharing the science behind acupuncture to promote whole-body wellness. Our practitioners have years of experience studying wellness techniques to help those suffering from a wide range of health conditions.

Our Approach

When getting a feel for what to expect during your fertility acupuncture treatment, know that every case is different. Our acupuncturists interview every new client. They ask them questions about their health history, take their vital signs for health assessment, and may also order imaging tests to acquire an in-depth understanding of their health problem.

Once we have a deeper understanding of the client’s wellness goals, we craft a customized treatment plan to fit their needs. Nothing is written in stone, and our acupuncturists review and revise treatment plans as needed. A flexible, customized treatment plan is what produces successful wellness outcomes.

Acupuncture For Fertility

Infertility is a growing concern. Around 10% of women of reproductive age in the country cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. We use acupuncture for fertility to treat fertility problems such as endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, diminished ovarian reserve, and amenorrhea.

Studies have shown that acupuncture can improve blood circulation to reproductive organs such as the ovaries and uterus. Acupuncture can also increase the chances of getting pregnant for women undergoing fertility treatment.

Stress is a common cause of chronic illnesses and fertility problems. We use acupuncture to treat chronic stress. Acupuncture stimulates the body to release endorphins, natural pain-killing chemicals in the brain, and improves blood circulation throughout the body, cycling out cortisol and other stress hormones.

Call us at our Nevada City or Oakland location for more information about our fertility acupuncture services. Root & Stem Integrative Chinese Medicine is your one-stop wellness shop where our practitioners offer a wide range of services to ensure our clients can meet their goals. To learn more about our holistic fertility program, contact our office at (510) 463-4304.


Cupping Vs Acupuncture Therapy

Pain conditions are becoming increasingly common. Chronic pain can affect a person’s mobility and overall quality of life. There are several pain medications that promise instant and long-term pain relief, but unfortunately, many over-the-counter and prescription pain medicines can have debilitating side effects. People who want to avoid common drug side effects, turn to different forms of alternative medicine such as acupuncture and cupping therapy to manage their condition.   

Root and Stem Clinic offers a wide range of therapeutic services to help patients relieve pain and stress to promote whole-body wellness. Of our services, many clients choose acupuncture therapy or cupping therapy, to aid with chronic pain. A common question often asked when deciding between these two pain management services is, “what’s the difference?” 

Our licensed practitioners have spent years differentiating the two services for our clients, and so they have compiled their answers to help you as a reader define and direct your decision as to what is the best therapy for your wellness. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy. Qi-pronounced (chi), is the life force present in every living being. When Qi becomes blocked, illnesses occur. Acupuncture involves inserting needles through the skin at strategic points, known as acupoints, to heal energy blocks.

TCM experts use acupuncture to treat everything from headaches to chronic pain and infertility. There are several benefits of acupuncture. It is drug-free, and can hence reduce dependence on pain medications. When performed by an expert, acupuncture is quite safe.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture for pain relief works by stimulating the brain to produce endorphins and other feel-good hormones that improve mood and reduce pain perception. It helps lower cortisol levels, removes toxins from the body, and promotes blood flow to the affected area. The blood flow to the area contains nutrients and oxygen. As a result, nutrient-rich blood helps with tissue repair. 

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy involves placing special cups on the skin to create suction for pain relief. It is a part of several ancient healing systems. TCM proponents believe that cupping restores the flow of qi. It gets the blood moving to the area where cups are placed and can also help reduce pain.

Studies show that cupping may relieve muscle tension, improve overall blood flow and facilitate cell repair. Many healthcare experts are of the opinion that cupping can help build new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in tissues.

How Does Cupping Work?

Suction from cupping draws blood into the area where cups are placed. The suction force expands, breaking open tiny blood vessels or capillaries. The body treats these microtraumas as injuries and sends more blood to the area being treated. This speeds up the healing process.

Should I use Cupping Therapy or Acupuncture?

Both cupping and acupuncture can improve skin health, treat digestion problems, and relieve pain caused by an injury or a health condition. Cupping and acupuncture can also help improve the effects of mental illnesses like anxiety, and depression.

Both acupuncture and cupping can be used as standalone therapies. Many healthcare experts combine acupuncture with cupping in one treatment. Such treatment plans combine the benefits of both therapies.

Root & Stem is the best acupuncture clinic near you in Oakland. We use the healing power of acupuncture to treat different health conditions. To make an appointment, book your session online today.  

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Microneedling?

If you're looking for a facial treatment that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars without surgery, Botox, fillers, or downtime, microneedling is an excellent option.

 Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using a medical-grade oscillating device to create micro-injuries in the skin using tiny single-use needles. This triggers your body’s natural healing processes to produce collagen and elastin, which helps improve texture and tone.

 But how long does it take before you start seeing results from microneedling? It’s a question we get a lot, so let's take a look at some of the factors that determine how quickly you'll notice skin improvements after getting a microneedling facial treatment in Nevada City or Oakland.

 How Long Does It Take to See Results From MicroNeedling?

 You may notice some results after about a week, but most patients report noticeable results after three treatments and continued improvement with each treatment thereafter. This is because it takes some time for your body's natural healing processes to kick in and begin stimulating collagen production. Depending on your skin type and condition, you may need several treatments before seeing significant results. In general, most people begin with  3-6 microneedling treatments spaced 4 weeks apart, with occasional follow-ups to achieve and maintain optimal results.

 How To Help Improve Your Microneedling Results

 First and foremost, it’s important to find a reputable microneedling provider near you in Nevada City. In the state of California, the procedure must be performed by a licensed acupuncturist or other medical professional. Do some research on local providers and make sure they have the necessary qualifications and experience performing microneedling facial treatments. It is also essential to follow your provider’s instructions carefully before and after the treatment. This includes avoiding sun exposure, using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer, and applying sunscreen every day.

 Additionally, make sure to give yourself enough time between treatments. As mentioned earlier, it usually takes 3-6 microneedling treatments spaced 4 weeks apart for your body’s natural healing processes to kick in. Trying to rush the process will damage your skin, so make sure to take enough time to rest and rejuvenate between treatments.

 Finally, it’s critical to take a holistic approach when it comes to microneedling. While microneedling can help improve the texture and tone of your skin, it’s important to also take care of your skin from the inside out. This includes eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep every night. These lifestyle modifications will help boost your microneedling results and give you healthier-looking skin in the long run.

 To sum up, microneedling is an excellent skin treatment option for those looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars without surgery, Botox, or fillers. But in order to get the best results from microneedling, it’s important to find a reputable provider near you in Nevada, follow their instructions carefully before and after the treatment, and give yourself enough time to see the results.

 If you are looking for a reliable and professional microneedling facial near me in Nevada City, then contact us today to learn more.



Calm Yourself With Acupuncture Points For Anxiety

Do you often feel overwhelmed and anxious? Do you want to find a natural way to combat stress and anxiety? Acupuncture therapy may be the answer. Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical practice, has been used for thousands of years to treat various health conditions, including anxiety. It involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to release tension and promote relaxation. Root & Stem in Nevada City and Oakland specializes in treating anxiety with acupuncture therapy. In this blog post, we'll explore how acupuncture can calm your nerves and reduce feelings of stress or unease. Read on for more information about how acupuncture can benefit those dealing with anxiety!

What are Acupuncture Points?

Acupuncture points are specific locations on the body acupuncturists apply thin needles during acupuncture treatments. The points are located along your body's meridians, or energy channels, through which qi, or life energy, flows. The concept is to stimulate these points to unblock the flow of qi and restore balance in the body. It's a safe, natural way to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms.

How Does Acupuncture Help Those Struggling With Anxiety?

The goal of acupuncture is to help restore balance in the body by regulating the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. By stimulating specific points, it calms both physical and emotional tension. For example, acupuncture has been used to treat anxiety-related symptoms such as panic attacks, insomnia, fatigue, excessive worrying, and more. It affects the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which has a calming and soothing effect. With regular acupuncture treatments, you can experience lasting relief from anxiety symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes to Enhance Acupuncture Results

Lifestyle changes can further enhance the effects of acupuncture for anxiety relief. Here are a few ways to get started:

● Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can increase stress and worsen anxiety symptoms.

Aim to get at least seven hours of restful sleep each night by establishing a regular bedtime routine and avoiding screen time before bed.

● Reduce Stress: Finding ways to reduce stress can help you better manage anxiety. Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization, calming music, or taking a warm bath.

● Eat Healthily: Eating nutritious organic foods can have a positive effect on mood and reduce anxious feelings. For a balanced diet, incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals.

If you want to reduce anxiety symptoms and achieve a greater sense of calm, contact us today to learn more about how acupuncture therapy in Nevada City can help. We look forward to helping you on your journey to greater well-being.